LSB#: 170308GR01
Make: Parker Bros.
I have a Parker Bros 12 guage double barrel shotgun. The serial# on the gun is 122343. The gun is in fair to good condition. Doesanybody have an idea of it value. The grade on Parker shotguns is a number or initials located on the water table of the frame. I have a Parker Bros 12 guage double barrel shotgun. The serial# on the gun is 122343. The gun is in fair to good condition. Doesanybody have an idea of it value. The grade on Parker shotguns is a number or initials located on the water table of the frame.
Model: GH Grade 2, Engraved Hammerless, With Damascus Barrels & Extractor

Serial Number: 86571
Year of Manufacture: 1897 (http://www.parker-shotguns.com/parker-shotguns-serial-numbers-and-year-of-production/)
Gauge: 12 Gauge, 2 3/4” Shells
Action Type: Side by Side, Double Non-Selective Trigger Shotgun with Ejectors
Markings: The barrel rib is marked “PARKER BROS. MAKERS. MERIDEN. CONN. DAMASCUS STEEL STEEL”, with two arrows pointing away from the lettering. The underside of the barrel set flat is marked “+” twice at the breach of each barrel, with D / C / 46 / PAT’D APR 12 1876″, the underside of the lug is marked “7 / 1”, the left is marked with the serial number. The top of the forend bracket has the serial number and the lever is marked “PAT’D MAR. 26. 1878”. The flanks of the frame are marked “PARKER BROS”, with open scroll engraving and game scenes. The water table is marked with the serial number “2” and “G”, it is also marked “PAT’D JAN. 18, AUG. 16. 1887 / MAY 1-OCT 8 1889. The top of the trigger plate is marked “571”. The lower tang is serialized to the receiver, the butt plate has an embossed dog with a bird in its mouth along with “PARKER / BROTHERS”.
Barrel Length: 30”, with solid, concave rib, which tapers from 0.539″ at the breech to 0.392″ at the muzzles.
Choke: Bore diameter: Right .731, Left .732. Bore restrictions: right -.027″ left -.034″.
Sights / Optics: This shotgun is mounted with a small front bead, set into the concave solid rib; the top of the rib is milled in a wave-like pattern for glare reduction, the details are still highly formed.
Stock Configuration & Condition: The stocks are a two piece walnut set with an old varnished finish. The splinter forend has checkering and a metal nose tip; the wood has a nice fit to the metal, most of the checkers are still defined, a few areas have heavy scraping, the surfaces have several old bruises with minimal newer marks. The buttstock has a black-capped and checkered pistol grip, leading to a fluted comb, there is a small shield-shaped metal insert on the belly. The top of the wrist at the upper tang shows several splinter losses and a small crack. The wood generally meets the wood flush, the heel has light sanding through the finish, the grip cap fits completely flush, the other areas may have experienced some shrinkage, given this shotgun’s age. The lower tang sits just proud of the wood, there are dark losses along the edges. The buttstock has several handling marks, most are old. The grain and tone are very pleasing. Drop at comb is 1 3/4”, drop at heel is 2 1/2”, the cast is about neutral. The LOP measures 13 1/8″ from the front of the rear trigger and 14″ from the front of the forward trigger to the back of the black hard rubber butt plate; the plate retains most of its details, there is a chip loss on the upper left, please see our pictures; the plate is in Very Good condition. The stocks rate in about Very Good Plus to a Fine overall condition.

Type of Finish: Blued & Case Colored
Finish Originality: Original
Bore Condition: The bores are light gray, there are spots of moderate pitting near the muzzles, the erosion trails back becoming less frequent with a few spots of dark surface erosion about mid bore. Barrel wall thickness is acceptable.
Parker Bros Double Barrel Shotgun Serial Numbers List
Overall Condition: The Damascus barrel set has beautiful spiral twist patterns and high retention of their browned finish. The receiver and its components appear to have been case colored, some tone is still left on top of the forend bracket and upper tang. The bare metal surfaces have a silvered patina and rubbing marks, though the engraved scenes still have crisp features. The lower tang was cleaned at some point, though in the distant past, as the metal has a return to a light patina. The metal to metal fit is spot on, the construction is rigid without play in the furniture with the action open or closed. The barrel set has a few dark spots of oxidation, though overall, we are impressed with the rib matting and markings, especially in protected areas. The screw head slots are lightly tooled but are all serviceable. Overall, this shotgun rates in about Very Good Plus to Fine condition.
Parker Double Barrel Shotgun Value
Mechanics: The action functions correctly. The shotgun features double triggers and extractor; the tang mounted safety returns to ‘safe’ when the action is opened. The shotgun weighs 7lbs 12oz with no play in the frame to barrel fit. The hammers fall with authority and the triggers are crisp. We have not fired this shotgun. As with all used firearms, a thorough cleaning may be necessary to meet your maintenance standards.
Box, Paperwork & Accessories: None
Our Assessment: This Fine condition Parker Brothers GH Grade 2 Hammerless comes to us from 1897, when America’s most famous gun makers stunned the world with their craftsmanship and ability to rival established firms in Europe. This shotgun has elegant stocks and browned Damascus fine twist barrels. A bit of case coloring is still visible, the engravings are highly defined and the stocks are free of major damages. It would have changed a lot of hands in its 120-year life, it has been taken care of and is simply beautiful.
CA Legal or CA Private Party Transferable: This Shotgun can be transferred in California.