Fb Alpha 2012 Neo Geo Rom Set


Skip if already have a ROM Set): Use your favorite search engine to find a FB Alpha ROM Set. I can't tell you where to find it. What you really need for ease of use is a Non-Merged FBA ROM Set, but that doesn't seem to exist at the moment, so we're going to make it. I'm finding it hard to understand what I would need to do to get a NeoGeo rom set that works with Retroarch's cores. There are not many options out there and most that are out there appear to be older rom sets that might require something older than 2012 FB Alpha.


Neo Geo Rom Set Torrent

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Full Neo Geo Rom Set

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display_name = 'Arcade (FB Alpha 2012 Neo Geo)'
authors = 'Team FB Alpha'
supported_extensions = 'zip'
corename = 'FB Alpha 2012 Neo Geo'
manufacturer = 'SNK'
categories = 'Emulator'
systemname = 'Neo Geo'
systemid = 'fb_alpha'
license = 'Non-commercial'
permissions = '
display_version = 'v0.2.97.29'
supports_no_game = 'false'
notes = '(!) The BIOS files must be inside the ROM directory.'
description = 'Based on a snapshot of the Final Burn Alpha codebase from circa 2012, 'FB Alpha 2012 Neo Geo' is compatible with FB Alpha v0.2.97.29 ROM sets. This core variant is for Neo-Geo games only. It exists solely for use with RAM-constrained platforms, such as certain console or embedded platforms, that do not have the capacity to load the full core along with large games. Most users should use up-to-date FBNeo instead.'

Fb Alpha 2012 Neo Geo Rom Set Download

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