Vray 3.4.01 for 3ds Max 2017 mempunyai beberapa fitur diantaranya adalah process yang cepat dan simple, kualitas output gambara UHD, support dengan ColorMap dan MultiTile, proses rendering 20 - 50% lebih cepat, seamless textures dengan UVs, dapat memenuhi procedural geometry, dan masih banyak lagi. Descomprime el archivo 'Crack V-Ray3.40.01 3DS2017.rar' Copia el contenido de la carpeta Crack en la siguiente ruta: C: Program Files Autodesk 3ds Max 2017 stdplugs. In this post, AppNee will keep releasing all available updates to V-Ray for 3ds Max, which are VR-ready and completely compatible with Autodesk’s 3ds Max 2009 2021. What we provides you here are the V-Ray full Installers, registered DLL files (cgauth.dll, vray20xx.dll, vray20xx.of; BlackStorm.dll, vray.exe, BlackStorm.dlr, vrlclient.xml.
Já está disponível para download o novo service pack do V-Ray para 3ds Max (3.40.01).
As principais novidades ficam por conta do novíssimo sistema de denoising, que promete imagens limpas em muito menos tempo, o suporte ao 3ds Max 2017 e modificações no sistema de sampling, com a abolição do modo Adaptive Subdivision e a junção dos modos Fixed e Adaptive como o novo modo Bucket.

Você pode baixar o novo V-Ray aqui. (somente usuários registrados)
Veja o log completo abaixo:
Build 3.40.01 (official) (31 May 2016)
New features:
(*) V-Ray: Add support for 3ds Max 2017 including:
– Initial support for the new Physical Material;
– Support for MultiTile in V-Ray RT;
– Support for ColorMap in V-Ray RT;
– VFB: Initial HiDPI scaling support;
(*) VRayDenoiser: Implement a new render element that contains a denoised version of the image:
– The denoiser can take advantage of hardware acceleration;
– The denoised result can be adjusted after a render is complete;
– The denoised result is updated periodically during progressive rendering;
– The render elements required by the denoiser are automatically added;
(*) vdenoise.exe: A new command-line tool for denoising still images and animations with frame blending;
(*) V-Ray: Enable GI by default;
(*) V-Ray: Add another deep output fragment merge mode, “None”, where fragments are not merged at all;
(*) V-Ray: Add “layers” type to override material exclude list;
(*) V-Ray: Add refraction filter bake element;
(*) V-Ray: Lower tessellation rate for out-of-view hair and displaced/subdivided geometry to save RAM in heavy scenes;
(*) V-Ray: Move the VRayHDRI’s Tiled textures options from the material editor’s interface to the V-Ray’s Settings tab;
(*) V-Ray: Print a warning if “Show GI only” is enabled;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Add support for Orthographic camera;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Add support for bump with procedural Noise texmap;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Print the memory usage in the VFB statistics;
(*) VFB: Add option to enable auto-saving to history if the render completed normally (i.e. is not aborted);
(*) VFB: Add option to keep the VFB history folder relative to the current project path;
(*) VRayAerialPerspective: Add “filter color” parameter;
(*) VRayIES: Add an option to select luminous intensity in candelas (cd);
(*) VRayInstancer: Add option to override the node properties of the source objects;
(*) VRayStochasticFlakesMtl: Add textured flakes support;
(*) VRayStereoscopic: Add support for vertical placement of the left/right views in addition to side-by-side;
(*) VRayTriplanarTex: Add random modes: “By particle ID”/”By instance ID” support;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Implemented ability to pop out and enlarge the render diagrams;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Implemented different interpolation types per point in the render diagrams;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Implement motion blur clipping by the Cutter geometry for non-Mesh modes;
(*) .vrscene exporter: Show progress bar instead of “not responding” during export to .vrscene;
(*) V-Ray scene converter: Convert rectangle/sphere/disc photometric lights without web profile to the corresponding V-Ray lights;
(*) V-Ray Installer: Attempt to uninstall previous installation without registry record;
(*) V-Ray Installer: Installation options can be set from the command-line;
(*) ply2vrmesh.exe: Store the textures names used by OBJ files into user attributes;
(*) vrayspawner.exe: Make it possible to run V-Ray from a remote location;
Modified features:
(*) V-Ray: Faster rendering with the light cache;
(*) V-Ray: Blend the “Fixed” and “Adaptive” sampler UI into a “Bucket” image sampler;
(*) V-Ray: Enable support for processor groups and more than 64 CPU cores by default;
(*) V-Ray: Rename “Color threshold” to “Noise threshold” in the Adaptive image sampler;
(*) V-Ray: Add texmap shortcut buttons next to colors for plugins with automatically generated UI
(*) V-Ray: Add UI mode views switching for the Image Sampler rollout;
(*) V-Ray: Make the DR settings window with persistent size;
(*) V-Ray: Remove the “Adaptive subdivision” sampler from the UI
(*) V-Ray: Slow rendering of objects visible behind multiple panes of glass;
(*) V-Ray: The log messages window text and background match the 3ds Max color scheme;
(*) VRayLight: Streamline the UI rollouts;
(*) VRayLight: When assigning a new VRayHDRI or a Bitmap texture through the UI, automatically browse for a file and set the mapping to spherical environment;
(*) V-Ray RT: Add information about the current noise threshold to the render statistics;
(*) V-Ray RT: Enable region changes without restarting the render in RT;
(*) V-Ray RT: Enabled by default the rendering of Proxies, X-ref, Particle systems, Displacement and Motion Blur;
(*) V-Ray RT: Make override material independent for production and ActiveShade renderers;
(*) V-Ray RT: Optimize export of scenes with many instanced geometries with many faces;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Add “bias” spinners support for VRayDirt;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Improvement automatic texture resizing, leading to reduced memory usage and better quality;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Optimized rendering of VRayBlendMaterial;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Speed up loading of resized textures to the GPU;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Warn the user if all the GPUs they have are used for rendering;
(*) VFB: Added a button to open the V-Ray messages window;
(*) VFB: Show warning when images cannot be saved in the history;
(*) VFB: The MaxScript command “vfbcontrol #clearimage” should not trigger confirmation dialog;
(*) VRayDisplacementMod: Automatically calculate the “precision” parameter for 2d displacement mode;
(*) VRayDisplacementMod: Enable the “static geometry” option by default;
(*) VRayExposureControl: Bring back for 3ds Max 2016 and newer;
(*) VRayFur: Faster hair strands generation;
(*) VRayHDRI: Implement drag and drop of texture files from Windows Explorer to the file edit field;
(*) VRayMtl: Improved GGX/GTR sampling to reduce fireflies;
(*) VRayMtl: The “Anisotropy” spinner has a lower step;
(*) VRayProxy: Optimize rendering;
(*) VRayStochasticFlakesMtl: Improved importance sampling algorithm, removed the “texture subdivs” parameter;
(*) VRayStochasticFlakesMtl: Treat “num flakes” as square root of the number of flakes;
(*) VRaySun/VRaySky: Add “blend angle” and “horizon offset” options to the user interface;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Add option for changing the mesh preview color;
(*) V-Ray scene converter: Convert the 3ds Max Normal Bump map to VRayNormalMap;

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Bug fixes:
(*) V-Ray: 3ds Max freezes when exporting a .vrmesh file with the lock selection toggle enabled;
(*) V-Ray: Artifacts in objects outline upon saving to *.hdr file when image filter is set to VRaySincFilter;
(*) V-Ray: Crash upon rendering VRayIES lights;
(*) V-Ray: Crash when rendering an object with changing topology and VRaySamplerInfo render element with Forward/Backward occlusion type;
(*) V-Ray: Noisier results with “Clamp output” and “Sub-pixel mapping” enabled;
(*) V-Ray: Double stamp is printed when saving through 3ds Max output;
(*) V-Ray: Fixed artifacts with NormalMap;
(*) V-Ray: Freeze after rendering with displacement
(*) V-Ray: Misspelled additional parameters in some materials and textures;
(*) V-Ray: NaN pixels when rendering matte geometry with Hair and Fur;
(*) V-Ray: RAW image output file extension is not memorized between sessions;
(*) V-Ray: Scenes with more than 64 render elements crash;
(*) V-Ray: The %numpasses and %numsubdivs keywords are written as 0 in multichannel OpenEXR files;
(*) V-Ray: The items from the viewport quad menus are not restored from the “V-Ray menu registration” button;
(*) V-Ray RT: Crash when adjusting a NoiseMap attached to V-Ray OSL shader;
(*) V-Ray RT: Crash when switching between CUDA or OpenCL and VRAY_OPENCL_PLATFORMS_x64 is not set;
(*) V-Ray RT: Crash with VRayDistanceTex and FFD modifier;
(*) V-Ray RT: Displacement map is not working when the host material is used as base in VRayBumpMtl;
(*) V-Ray RT: Machine with disabled “Use local host” option DR takes render node license;
(*) V-Ray RT: Matte rendering is not working with Forest Pro objects;
(*) V-Ray RT: Moving a light during ActiveShade causes two light re-exports;
(*) V-Ray RT: Override material is not working on Forest Pro and Rail Clone geometry;
(*) V-Ray RT: Render to texture saves black image when set as production renderer;
(*) V-Ray RT: VRayFur’s “Placement” options are not working;
(*) V-Ray RT: When rendering Active Shade with Render Mask selected – changes to selection are not updated;
(*) V-Ray RT CPU: Crash when trying to select objects in the 3ds Max ActiveShade frame buffer;
(*) V-Ray RT CPU: Crash when rendering with motion blur, Particle Flow and Multi/Sub-Object material;
(*) V-Ray RT CPU: Crash with rendering out-of-process and render region;
(*) V-Ray RT CPU: Textures in VRayMtl’s Self-Illumination slot are clamped (0-1);
(*) V-Ray RT CPU: VRayNormalMap plugged into the texmap slot of VRayDisplacementMod is not considered;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Crash with multiple UV sets on dynamic geometry;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Different VRaySky horizon compared to V-Ray RT CPU;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Fixed memory leak and crashes with displacement, subdivision and VRayProxy;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Fixed loading Light Cache from file depending on the current frame;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Fixed wrong bump mapping with VRayColor2Bump;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Fixed high memory usage with proxies, hair, particles, displacement and subdivision in animation;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Size and offset of “Use real-world scale” are not working when the mapping is “Planar from World XYZ”;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Motion-blurred hair with light cache is rendered very slow;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: MultiTexture and VRayMultiSubTex can work as input to other textures;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: VRayMultiSubTex is not modified when processed through another texmap;
(*) V-Ray RT GPU: Wrong shading for the Light Cache with displacement, subdivision and VRayProxy;
(*) V-Ray Standalone: Projector textures in direct lights do not render properly;
(*) VFB: Crash with auto-save to the history after Render To Texture;
(*) VFB: Saving an image to the history from V-Ray RT does not save the scene file name;
(*) VFB: Saving image results in broken filename when not ASCII;
(*) VFB: Window position is saved when cloning the renderer;
(*) VRayBlendMtl: SSS/Skin sub-materials cause difference in final result between active/inactive Render Elements;
(*) VRayBumpMtl: Limited actions (drag/cut/copy/paste) on base material slot;
(*) VRayClipper: Black surface of the section of the clipped geometry with “Affect lights” disabled;
(*) VRayEdgesTex: The “show subtriangles” option is not working;
(*) VRayFastSSS2: Garbage data produced for normals with the VRaySamplerInfo render element;
(*) VRayFastSSS2: Old scenes should be left in “Prepass-based illumination map” mode;
(*) VRayFastSSS2: The “Save/Load flythrough map” prepass modes are missing from the user interface;
(*) VRayFur: 3ds Max crashes when the value for per area or per face is set too high on very large geometry;
(*) VRayFur: Tiling occurs with Curl options;
(*) VRayHDRI: Artifacts (splotches) when hdri image is set in the 3ds max environment slot;
(*) VRayHDRI: Viewport preview is very slow with large bitmaps;
(*) VRayInstancer: Incorrect velocity information is generated;
(*) VRayLight: Open EXR file renders black when used for IBL;
(*) VRayLight: “Store With Irradiance Map” does not work well with Use Local Subdivs off;
(*) VRayLightMtl: Crash when rendering with Scanline or Raytrace texmap;
(*) VRayLightMeter: Indirect illumination is wrongly evaluated;
(*) VRayMtl: Animated diffuse color is not updated in the viewport;
(*) VRayMtl: Crash when changing to Scanline renderer if opacity map is set and material editor is open;
(*) VRayMtl: Difference in bump map rendering with older versions;
(*) VRayMtl: Diffuse texture is not working with Particle Flow operator “Position Object/ Density by Material /grayscale”;
(*) MultiMatteElement: Settings rollout name is wrong;
(*) VRayOSLMtl/VRayOSLTex: Tweak dropdown controls forget their position when switching between different textures;
(*) VRayProxy: MaxScript objects return “Object” class name insted of “VRayProxy”;
(*) VRayProxy: Wrong Alembic particle/hair width;
(*) VRayScatterVolumeMtl/VRayHairMtl: Texmap slots are not updated on map change with Slate Material Editor;
(*) VRayStereoscopic: Crash with high resolution renderings when autosave is enabled;
(*) VRayStochasticFlakesMtl: Not appearing in the VRayMtlSelect render element;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Fixed black dot artifacts when rendering using “Volumetric Heat Haze” mode;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Frame blending does not work properly with adaptive grid;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Imported VDB files have wrong orientation in V-Ray RT;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: The viewport GPU preview disappears when changing frames with a single cache;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Mesh preview crashes on 3ds max 2016 and newer with Nitrous DX9;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: Multi Matte Element is not filled in “Volumetric Geometry” mode;
(*) VRayVolumeGrid: VDB levelset caches render with inverted normals and winding;
(*) .vrscene exporter: VRayProxy with displacement modifier is exported as static mesh;
(*) V-Ray Light Lister: Handling invalid nodes;
(*) V-Ray Quick settings: Rollouts disappear when loading custom preset;
(*) ply2vrmesh: Is swapping the MtlIDs;
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V-Ray 3.40.03 for 3ds Max 2015-2017
Working with V-Ray 3.40.03 for 3ds Max 2015-2017 full crack
V-Ray is a powerful visualization tool that supports Depth of Field, Motion Blur, Displacement (displacement map, with increasing detail of three-dimensional objects). In addition, V-ray has its own lighting sources, a system of sun-sky for realistic lighting with natural light, and a physical camera with parameters similar to real photo and video cameras.
• V-Ray for 3ds Max allows users to quickly and easily create realistic images, giving them full control over the 3D process.
• The Vray Proxy system makes it possible to render extremely large arrays of the same type of objects, consisting of a total of tens of billions of polygons.
• Built-in shaders provide the user with ample opportunities to simulate virtually any material.
• V-Ray SDK allows you to both program your own shaders and adapt the system to specific tasks.
• Ability to calculate individual image elements in the form of channels, such as Depth, Diffuse Color, Alpha, Reflection, Refraction, Shadows and others.
• Provides greater freedom of post-processing in compositing and editing packages.
• V-Ray for 3ds Max has the most comprehensive lighting and shading tools.
• The latest version has a more powerful set of features, technical achievements and support for open source technologies.
• VR Cameras – two new types of VR cameras for displaying stereo cube cards and spherical stereo images.
• Simplified user interface, which includes 3 modes: Basic, Advanced and Expert. Modes can be switched at any time to reveal additional controls. By default, the main mode is designed to meet the needs of most artists, daily production works.
• New Skin Shader – Dedicated, intuitive skin shaders with layered lights will make it easier than ever for artists to create complex, multilayered skin.
• Probabilistic Lights – increases the speed of scenes with a large number of lights. Probabilistic sampling of light reduces the number of lights evaluated during visualization.
• Progressive rendering of video processing is built on the same trace technology as V-Ray RT, and this is a simple, intuitive solution for any scene. Progressive rendering is compatible with all the features of V-Ray production, including illumination, light cache, SSS, drawing elements, etc.
• Rapid ray tracing – V-Ray introduces a significantly optimized Ray kernel trace and acceleration calculations for Brute Force GI, a progressive tracking path, reflections, refractions and much more.
• Quick setup provides artists with ready-made presets and quality control easy mapping into one compact interface.
• Advanced frame buffer V-Ray – is essential for artists working processes. V-Ray has been extended to use various color definitions, including LUTs (.cube), ICC Profiles (.icc), and OpenColorIO (.ocio). By default, V-Ray is configured for a linear process, which makes it easier to provide accurate colors.
• Mask mappings – visualization uses an object selection mask, include / exclude a list, or a texture map to control the exact pixels for visualization.
• V-Ray introduces faster rendering speed (up to 15 x) and a kind of dependent tessellation, automatically smoothes hair curves.
• Secondary beams to remove noise generated by a very bright source. This removes artifacts while maintaining the dynamic range.
• VRmats (formerly Vismats) – universal V-Ray shaders for use in other applications. For example VRmat models can be created in V-Ray 3ds Max and directly transferred to V-Ray for Maya.
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